Quantum physics projects
Quantum physics projects

quantum physics projects quantum physics projects quantum physics projects

Ymmärtämällä kokonaisvaltaisesti näihin projekteihin liittyviä käytännön pullonkauloja ja onnistumisia, voidaan määritellä suuntaviivoja parempien toimintatapojen kehittämiseksi vastaavanlaisissa projekteissa. Quantum mechanics is a theory which explains the behaviour of atoms and sub-atomic particles but does so in a way that challenges many of our basic assumptions about the nature of reality. Key intellectual foci include quantum computation and communication, quantum simulations, quantum sensing, and quantum materials. Tämä opinnäytetyö kuvaa pelillisten ja taiteellisten kvanttifysiikan proektien suunnittelua ja toteuttamista opportunistisella, tieteidenvälisellä yhteistyöllä vuosien 2015 ja 2022 välillä, kattaen yhteensä yhdeksän muotoilu- ja peliprojektia. Quantum science and engineering at Yale is a broad interdisciplinary area spanning several subfields of physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, computer science and materials science. In the results I describe the guidelines to be utilised, in order to develop better practises for making playful and artistic quantum projects. Quantum Works is funded solely from its own cryptocurrency token, a BEP20 token utilising a smart contract on the Binance Block Chain network. These aspects are the awareness of (1) technical and other external challenges, (2) informal team building communication, (3) existing interdisciplinary information and understanding, (4) the importance of early sketching and visual discourse, (5) utilising existing narratives and (6) framing that benefits user experience. The main findings of this study suggest that designing interdisciplinary quantum science projects calls for awareness of several aspects that affect the design process and its outcomes. In order to recognize visual discourse for its true value during design practise, additional effort must be made to make aspects of design clearly visible in projects and also to expose non-designers to these learnings.

Quantum physics projects